Made the seat and handlebars, the seat is an old tractor seat that I beat into a new shape. The handlebars are made to fit the bikes owner. Welded the pipes, the bikes owner will finish then,
The frame ready for paint, I will get the bike back from paint in about 6-8 weeks.I will post more pics of the bike when I get it back from paint and start the final assembly
I had to make some modifications to the tank to fit all oillines, I bent a tube cut it in half and welded it on the tank cut the bottom out and wola I have room for ewerything!
Here is the hatch what you can open for installing the oil and fuel lines for the engine. I wanted the battery to fit here also but no cigars on that one fu*k.........
Starting on the seatpan. I think i will install the battery here.I have some industrial realy small batterys for this application have been trying them out on other projekts and they workt wery well on them.
Here is the Moby Dick tank in all ist glory, you can also see how the pipe continues on the fender.
I also made a new intake for this bike. This is an "bolt on" to the s&s intake still have a lot of polishing to do on it.
Parts back from powder coating, this came out wery nice. I´m trying to get this bike to look old like the factory would have made the bike in the 50´s or 60´s well you get my point i hope.
I like this. Send me a mail if you want or need something for your bike done.