Sunday, February 20, 2011


Some basic work that I do.

Possu the bike

Got the pipes ready for the pig. These are made out of old bends and swap meet finds.
No the usual setup.........

These will not hit the road when you turn.

I had to make a tail for the pig.

Frankies Bike

I have made some progress with this bike, here are some detail pics of what I have been making on it.
Braket for the clutch cable

Gasline inside the upper engine braket
Fender struts, and some detailing.
Top engine mount

Monday, February 7, 2011


Made a stainless railing for a small ship, here I still have some pollisnig to do on the railing.


Testing it on the bike,looks ok. I think its ready for powdercoating.
Some cutting and grinding.


Welded it in place.
Cut a plate to fit the new insert.
Then i grinded the welds.
I cut of the "ear" for the starter/solenod thing, made an insert of 1,5mm plate tigwelded it in place.
I welded the inner primary cover this weekend at a friend and started on the outer tin today.