Monday, October 1, 2012

Rapid-A Custom drums

 I helped my friend to build a set off custom drums.
These are made from old barrels and paintcans.........
 Autoin ystäväni rakentamaan rumpusettin, nämä on rakennettu vanhoista tynnyreistä ja maali ämpäreistä.
Looks killer and the sound is great.
Siistit ja soundi on hyvä.
 Link to the band:

Shovel Chopper frame work

 Here is the frame ready for the customer.
Tässä on runko luovutusvalmiina.
 The customer will continue from here.
Asiakas jatkaa itse tästä.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Shovel Chopper frame work

On the downtubes are the only welds that are grinded.
Alaputkissa ovat ainoat hiotut saumat. 
 The frame is made in a specific order.
Runko tehdään tietyssä järjestyksessä.
More to come.............
Lisää tulossa.........

Shovel Chopper

 Here is an old Softail swing used for donor parts.
Tässä projektissa on käytetty softailin takapaloja.
Wery nice parts, simple and HD parts.
Siistit palat ja HD osaa. 

Shovel chopper Neck work

 Butwelds are driled to remove the old pipes.
Hitsaukset poistetaan niin että saadan pois vanhat putket.

 The neck has been cut and grinded in many ways. 
Niska leikataan ja tehdään halutut muutokset.
 The neck parts are fixed inte frame and framejig in it desired positions.
Niskan osat asennetaan haluttuihin paikkoihin rungossa ja runkojiggissä
 The neck is welded in stages.
Niska hitsataan asteittain.
Ready, now to the axleplates.
Valmis, nytt takapalojen aika.

Shovel Chopper Frame

 Shovel Chopper frame, I will show you on this blogg how SFC changes the frame
Shovel kopterin runko, näytän tässä blogissa sinulle miten SFC tekee runkomuutoksen.
 Ewery thing is measured and leveld.
Kaikki mitataan ja laitetaan vaateriin.
 This shovel frame has been in an accident.
Tämä shovelin runko on ollut kolarissa.
Here the frame is cut, I will also show the rake work is done.
Tässä on runko leikattu, näytän myös miten niskan reikkaus tehdään. 

Frame work

 Shovel frame that will be changed to fit a EVO-engine. Here the frame is clamped to the frame jig.
 Cut out the part that needs to changed.
 Closeup of pipe before welding.
 The backbone of the frame needs to be extended to fit the engine.
 Looking like a frame again. I use a blowtorch to bend the pipes. I like it more than the pipebender.
 Tank mounts.
  I have these brackets for sale if interested send me a mail:
I wanted to reuse as much as possible the orriginal parts for this bike so the frame needed to be cut and welded a bit to fit the engine, and some blowtorch work.

Summer is over, back to work......

 Some transmission work this time.
 This transmission case has been welded at some time, will fix it. And in bad shape any way.
More welding.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Classic Trial ARIEL 1954

 So I´m back. I have been taking it easy and enjoing the summer. But a litle help for my friend was necessary. Here I hepled with his frame it was an old allready cut up Ariel Frame from 1954.
He wants to drive in classic trials with this bike so we modified the frame for this application.
 Specs on the bike:
Engine will be a Ariel MH350 -57 with Amal Monobloc, transmission a Burman with Burman clutch, And a Lucas racing magneto..........and more..
 I will post more pics of this bike as it gets more ready.
If you are in need of top quality spoke work for your bike here is the place to go to nice guy and all the way into old bikes and workmanship.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Parts for your SHOVELHEAD

 Rocker covers for your Shovelhead cooming soon, these are my set for some R&D. I will put these on test use this summer but orders are welcome.
 These are NOT made in Taiwan, these are quality parts that are made in FINLAND.
For more information contact me: or +358(0)400 781884

 The studs will be changed out to turned bolts for these covers. Will be included to the set. 
 More to come on this engine, were these parts are going into.
Have you ever seen Reese Fish carbs? I will build a manifoild for these twin carbs.
How the outcome will be.... I realy dont know....more to come 


 The handlebar is ready I just sparybombed it, I need to get this baby on the road...
 The seat is ready and mounted on the frame.
 The pipes are ready, mounted and painted flatblack. The "muffler" is made out of stainless I didnt have the energy to pollish it to a mirror finnish..... Fu*king bling bling won´t make you go any faster..
 I had to do it.......
 Spray bomb paint job dirt cheap.


I had a problem tightening my transmission with the original nuts and washers. My transmission plate is made out of 7000 series aluminium so I needed something beefy to get the jobb done.
These are available from and are made of tool grade steel.
They are four in a set.